Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Death Magnet!

Well hello there stranger! Things have been moving right along here, and I can't wait to share it all with you.

So, back tracking to my last post-

I had the MRI of my knee.. and Lord, let me tell you, I NEVER want to have to endure that again. I have schedule hundreds of patients  for MRIs. I know, in theory, what goes on during an MRI, but in practice.. well, that's a horse of a different color. 
I'm not claustrophobic, not in most situations. I was fine as the tech got me into position on the "table". (I use the term table loosely here.. it was more like a slab- and being a woman if size, I was about as wide as the slab) I was still OK as he patiently explained everything as he buckled my knee into a plastic cage meant to keep my knee still. he asked my music preference- and we decided on country as he fitted the headphones over my ears (OK, a tiny but of panic here.. I know the MRI machine is a giant magnet, and you cannot have any metal on your body or in the room during the test, so my mind starts trying to figure out how they made these headphones out of materials that would not shoot into the machine and cut me to bits as I laid there with my leg buckled in.. I'm a bit dramatic, and a lot morbid when it comes to ways I could die.. fire is a big one, has been for years, since I was little. I used to have a lunchbox under the edge of my bed with a t-shirt and a pair of shorts in case my house caught fire in the night, so I could jump out the windows and not have to stand in the yard in my PJ's while my house burned down.) He asked me if I was comfortable, and I was, so off he trotted into his little booth of machinery and monitors calling out jovially, "Just give me about 35 minutes, and remember, don't move!" And that was the moment I realized my right hip was in a wonky position, and I was going to need to shift a little to get into a position that I could hold for 35 minutes. But it was too late.. and I was STUCK. (Let's add a little more panic to the mix
The music starts, and so does the banging of the machine. If you've ever had an MRI, you know they are NOISY. If you haven't, imagine being inside a metal drum or pipe while someone bangs on it with a rubber mallet. The music and the earphones serve to dull the noise to a tolerable level, and I tried to let myself become mesmerized by the rhythm of the pings and bangs. Let's take a trip into my head, and listen in to my self-talk:

"Oh, this isn't as bad as I thought it would be.. I was expecting an hour.. so 35 minutes should definitely be manageable. I haven't heard this song before.. I kinda like it.. too bad I can't Shazam this one. Remember the chorus.. remember the chorus... Google it later.... How long is a song usually?
5 minutes? So 7 songs and I'm done.. I can do 7 songs... Wait` what's that??

At this point, the ping ping band rhythm changes:

"Alright! Phase one done.. can't be much longer now.. my right hip is really starting to ache... are my toes numb? I can wiggle my toes, surely.. they arn't imaging my toes.. {wiggling right toes ever so slightly} OK, good, toes are still OK, and I can wiggle a little, so that will help me keep everything else still...."

Another change in tones:

"How much longer? How many songs has it been? Awe crap, I lost count. They need a clock in here.. damn, my hip is killing me.. my right butt cheek is asleep.. I need to move.  Just be still.. don't move.. keep breathing.. oh my God!!! THIS IS TAKING FOREVER.. I can't do this.. I'm going to have to make them stop, and we are going to have to reschedule. I NEED A XANAX... oh, my HIP!!! Good God, why did I say I was comfortable? I NEED TO MOVE... How many more pings and bangs.. count the pings and bangs... AGHHHHHHH!!!"

This went on for 35 minutes.. I was sure I was going to die, but I made it, and the tech said it was the best knee MRI he had ever done.  
I saw the doctor 3 days later, and got some good news- no need for surgery. Everything in the joint itself looked good, apart from degeneration of the joint (wear and tear) and some bone spurs on the knee cap. So we came up with a new plan- Physical therapy to strengthen the muscles supporting the knee, and continued weight loss.  PT would be in the water, we have a facility locally that has an underwater treadmill, and that would prevent further damage to the knee by taking weight off of the joint. 

So, I've been doing PT twice a week for the last 6 weeks, and going to the gym in-between. I've also made some pretty major lifestyle changes, but we'll get to that in my next post. I'm headed back to work in a week, and looking forward to it. 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Baby steps...

I did four pushups! Four! I know, I know, that doesn't sound all that impressive.. until you consider that I didn't think I was even going to be able to do ONE! I met my trainer, Dee, at the gym yesterday for a fitness assessment, measurements, and to review the workout plan that she had set up for me. It actually felt good to break a sweat, and I'm looking forward to getting in a rhythm with this whole work out thing. This morning I'm going to head over to one of the other gym locations to check out some of their classes and maybe catch some laps in the pool.

My MRI is scheduled for this afternoon, and I'm anxious to find out what the plans are for repairing my knee. Fingers crossed that all goes well!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

"Not all who wander are lost" J R R Tolken

I thought maybe I would delete the blog... I mean, it's been over a year since my last post, I am OBVIOUSLY NOT a blogger.. but reading over the last post, and looking at previous post on other failed attempts at a blog, I just couldn't. It would be like deleting a part of myself, a part of my inner monologue. I just couldn't do it.

SO, here we are, still searching. So very much has changed since my last post in October of 2012.  Firstly, my Daddy, whom I spoke about previously, died about two months after my last post. As it turns out, that tightrope I felt that we were walking was not a tightrope at all... it was a slowly descending staircase. What Dad's doctor had been trying to tell me that night, so many months ago, was that my Daddy was dying. His liver was failing, his kidneys were beyond repair, and we had a few more months to try and enjoy life together. He came home at the end of October on Hospice, and passed away at home on December 2nd. I think I have been blaming myself. As a nurse I felt like I should have listened to him when he told me the pain in his foot had become more severe. I should have listened when he told me he could no longer point his toes. Had we caught the bone infection earlier, maybe things would have been different. But, we made a pact, my Mama and Daddy and I, to live without regret. The "what-ifs" only poison us slowly. Past is past, and nothing changes that. But I still carried that blame inside me for the last year. And now, I'm ready to let it go.

Secondly, my job situation has done a 180, then another 180, and now I feel like it's in a perpetual holding pattern of uncertainty. An opportunity came up, for me to take a position as float nurse for the urgent care clinic where I work. I would be based in a different clinic from where I had been working, helping out at our busiest location as a "fourth nurse", and float to the other clinics to cover vacations and sick days for our other staff. I was excited about the prospect, the chance for everyday to be fresh again. For a few weeks, things looked great. Then misunderstandings and misperceptions, and bias and backstabbing set in, and I found myself dreading to go to work everyday. I was constantly looking over my shoulder, always wondering when the next shoe was going to drop. yesterday, it did.

I have extensive damage to my left knee, a common injury among patients with a gymnastics history according to my orthopedic doctor. To prevent surgery, my doctor prescribed a custom fit knee brace to provide artificial support and reduce pain in my knee. My company's policy is that nurses cannot work in direct patient care while wearing a brace or support. after a trip back to my orthopedic, a note to my employer about the nature of my injury, and many tears of frustration later, I am home for the next several weeks, possibly months, pending surgery that my orthopedic doctor is advising against, so that I can return to work. I almost feel as if someone has pushed the reset button on my life. And I don't know what's ahead of me. And right now, that is more scary than exciting. So I invite you to come along with me on this new journey. Let's see where this takes me.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Loving the fall..

So we are having a cold front here in North Louisiana, and I am LOVING IT! It's been amazingly crisp and chilly in the mornings, which always makes it easier for me to wake up and get the day going. These days, anything that can help me get going is a good thing.

Dad's health is still a roler coaster ride- I made it a point to be at the hospital the other night when his primary care doctor came in to see him so I could get a good update on how things were going.  I felt like something was wrong when Dr. D came in with dad's nurse, AND the hospital charge nurse. Now, Dr. D has known me for years, both as a nurse, a patient, and the family member of several of his patients. He doesn't sugar coat things with me, he's honest and upfront, and tells me like it is. But, in the most gentle and caring way. He's amazing. So when he motioned for me to come out into the hallway with him, I was a little nervous. So he lays it on me. Dad is not doing as well as it apprears. His liver is excreating toxins that are damaging his kidneys, and at this point the only thing that will "fix" it is a liver transplant. But, right now his body won't survive a transplant, so we walk the tightrope between dialysis and paracentisis (draining the fluid off of his abdomen that builds up becasue of his liver disease.) And we pray that he doesn't get any infections, which at this point could kill him very quickly. so we walk the tightrope between being anxious about the possabilities, and optamistic and upbeat about recovery. It's exausting, really.

And in four days, my novel writing experience begins. I am excited and nervous and ready to start, but worried that I won't have anything to write about. Tomorrow I will start writing "morning pages", two or three pages of "stream of consciousness writing" done every morning as soon as I wake up. I'm a little interested to see what flows out of this brain of mine. Could be scarey. Probably WILL be scary. We shall see.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Morning Glory

Good Morning Glory!! It's crisp and chilly outside, and I'm the only human stirring in the house this morning, with a fried egg sandwich breakfast and a wonderful cup of coffee with my beloved Italian Cream creamer it's a good day already!
So, where the hell have I been? Well things here in Louisiana have been CRAZY!!!! My Dad's recovery has taken a whole new direction. He fell in January, broke his tibia, had to have surgery to repair the bone, and spent the first 6 months of recovery unable to put any weight on his left leg. He progressed to using a walker, and then a whole new set of problems popped up. Two trips to the ER for what was diagnosed as cellulitis (soft tissue infection)- well, it was more complicated than that under the surface. Fast forward two months, and he's int he hospital with a bone infection, and after much testing and two surgeries, it was decided that the best chance for a full recovery and a return to "normalcy" was to amputate his left leg below the knee. In the process of all this leg stuff, his kidneys have failed, and he's now on dialysis. SO, it's a whole new world for us on that front. Whoo- lots going on, and that's just the tip of the iceberg!
I'm also living with my parents AGAIN! This is the fourth time I have returned to the nest.. I'm officially a boomerang child. Well, this time is not so much a boomerang situation, more of a "sandwich generation" thing. Meaning I am helping care for my father, and still caring for my son. (Who will be 19 tomorrow!!!! Can you believe that shit!?! 'cause I sure as hell can't, LOL) It's been stressful for all of us, but good at the same time, especially with the new health developments with my Daddy, we have really been here to support each other, which is amazing. I don't know what I would do without my family.
I have started kicking things into high gear with my crochet too! I am learning more everyday, new stitches and techniques, and loving every minute of it. I am making two blankets for one of the nurses that works at the hospital where my Dad was admitted for his surgery. She has a 1 year old and a 3 year old, so I am making blankets for the two of them. I have so many ideas for future projects, I wish my crochet time didn't have to interrupted by things like work and eating!
Next month is November, and I am so super excited about participating in the annual NaNoWriMo project. A whole month dedicated to attempting to write a novel. SO good, bad, or mediocre,  I will be writing my first novel next month. And I will bring you all with me, to experience every step of the process!
SO, that's a not-so-short synopsis of where the hell I have been. And a little peek at where I am going. JOIN ME!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Surviving the weekend...

I did it.. I survived the weekend with Mom and Dad in Dallas. And actually had a good time to boot.

So we left Thursday morning- I had said we would be leaving at 6 am, knowing full well that we would not be heading out of Shreveport til about 7:30 (more like 8am) I decided to take the "back way" to I20, cause of course it's faster and more direct than going all the way into town on I220 to hit I20 and head west to Dallas. EXCEPT- I took the WRONG back road- despite my "inner compass" Mama telling me "I don't think this is the right way, I think you went the wrong way" and me saying, "Mama, this is the back way, it's faster, it takes you straight to I20 at the truck stop".. I ate crow about 10 minutes later when I realized, "Oops, no, this takes us to Waskom.. still on I20, but not quite where I thought it would come out" Damn I hate that my Mama is ALWAYS right!

Made good time, and even with the stop in Canton and the beloved Dairy Palace, we made Dallas an hour and a half before my Dad's appointment at Baylor Medical Center. So what are we going to do for an hour and a half? Weeelllll, as luck would have it they were having a WONDERFUL sale on the second floor of the medical office building- tables and tables full of jewelry, scarfs, hats, watches, and everything was $5!! I was in heaven... 2 rings, 2 bracelets, 2 pairs of earrings for my Mama and a pretty ruby ring for my Goddaughter later, and it was only 30 more minutes til the appointment! w

All that went well.. Dad's doing great, and we go back in 3 months for another appointment. We checked in at the hotel, and while Dad hit the sack, Mama and I headed to The Old Monk, a fantastic little pub on North Henderson Avenue in Dallas.
Great beer selection, and delicious pub food. I had planned to try something different this time, but I found myself ordering a Crispen Cider and the Plowman's Lunch- a fantastic platter with French Onion soup, toasted french bread, and your choice of two cheeses from their wonderful cheese selection. This time I got the St. Andre' and the Brie.. I had never tried Brie, and I was feeling adventurous! The St. Andre' was heavenly! It's a triple cream French cheese, smooth and almost sweet. The Brie was a bit tangy for my taste, but good, none the less. Mama also got the Plowman's- with Guiness Stout stew and two different types of cheese. We split an order of their Killer Mushrooms- a mix of portabella and button mushrooms fried in beer batter with a delicious spicy basil sour cream. YUM!

Mom and I stopped by Denny's on the way back to the room and got Daddy a cheese burger and a salad- his request.. can't believe he missed out on The Monk!!

So that was Day #1- more to come on Day #2! Ohh, the anticipation!!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Trying a suggestion...

Ok, so I got a great comment from a wonderful fellow blogger who I adore, Dean Grey at Exploding Doughnut. So, I am going to try Dean's advice and shoot for a new post every two weeks. This one should be LONG... as so very much has changed in my life since my last post.

Firstly, my son and I went to Perdido Key Florida for 10 glorious days with my cousin and his family. It was wonderful, I loved every minute of it. The beach was beautiful, even the morning it rained til noon was in it's own way perfect and lovely. I love a good, loud rolling thunder storm, and there were several while we were there, mostly at night or in the early mornings while most everyone was still asleep.
Am I the only person who treasures quiet, early mornings where I am the only one awake? That peaceful time between me and a cup of coffee? When I can tip-toe around, loading the dishwasher, or start a load of laundry, and then just sit and stare out over the balcony to the quiet beach below? Even at home these solo-mornings are a thing of beauty.
While in Florida, my landlord contacted me to let me know that she had gone out to the property to just "check on things" since we had notified her we would be out of town. (We had a friend and his girl-friend watching the place, and feeding our kitties while we were gone, but I didn't mention that to her when I told her we were going on vacation- I guess she felt we needed her to keep an eye on things) Anyhoo- So she went by the property, and noticed that we have a few cats. Yes, we have a few cats. I explained to her that when her father- who manages the property for her- rented the place to us, we told him we had a few cats. At that time, he told us that if the cats were litter trained and wouldn't cause damage, then he had no problem with us having cats. Well, he aparently did not talk to his daughter about it, because she was quick to tell me that animals on the property was a "deal-breaker". We had two choices, get rid of the cats, or move out. Well, our cats are part of our family. My son adores them, and has had them since they were born. We were NOT going to get rid of the cats. Soooo... we moved.
Now, when we moved onto this property, I made it clear to everyone who knows me that I had NO intention of moving again. So, moving again only 3 months after moving in was a real blow to my pride. Even harder was that out of necessity (no where to go on such short notice) my son and I have had to move in with my parents. So two weeks ago we ordered a POD storage unit, packed up our lives, keeping out only the things we would need over the next few months, and moved in with Mama and Daddy. It has been stressful for us all, but with every day that goes by, we find a new "bright side" to our situation.

Bright Side #1- My son, who is 18, has been having a little trouble deciding what he wanted to do with his life. College was not a good fit for him.. at least not right now. After completing school through a military program, sitting in a classroom listening to lectures was just not his style. He had planned on joining the military, but was doubting his willingness to serve under the current administration. He tought about welding, but never really felt strongly enough about it to take the leap. NOW- since we are living with my parents, and he was able to spend some late nights out on the balcony with my cousin, talking 'bout life, he has decided to go ahead with his original dreams, and join the military. I think he is making the right choice. It's where he is supposed to be. He excelled at ROTC, and when he went to the National Guard Youth Challenge Program to complete high school, he just blossomed. This is who he is, and I am excited for him.

Bright Side #2- My parents are not getting any younger. My Mama does not drive. She never has. Makes her nervous, and she just doesn't do it. My Daddy's health is up and down, and my Mama needs help with him, and with getting around, ect. I knew there would come a day when I needed to be there all the time. Well, no time like the present! We had talked out adding on two bedrooms and a bathroom on to the back of the house, but the more we have thought about it, the more we have considered having a small cabin style building built behind my parent's house. That way, I have my own space, a nice sitting room and a bedroom seperate from my mom and dad, but close enough that I am right there for them.  I am so excited about that!

There are others, maybe I will share those later.

My love of cooking has also been re-awakened. I must admit, I am a TOTAL Pinterestaholic, and this past weekend I cooked three recipes off of my Yummy! Pinterest board. I just have to be careful not to gain back what I have fought so hard to lose. I will say though, packing a house and loading it into a storage POD in 100 degree heat with definately sweat the pounds off, LOL.

What other changes are coming? I'm not sure, but I'm going to try and accept them with a smile and open arms...

I think...