Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Trying a suggestion...

Ok, so I got a great comment from a wonderful fellow blogger who I adore, Dean Grey at Exploding Doughnut. So, I am going to try Dean's advice and shoot for a new post every two weeks. This one should be LONG... as so very much has changed in my life since my last post.

Firstly, my son and I went to Perdido Key Florida for 10 glorious days with my cousin and his family. It was wonderful, I loved every minute of it. The beach was beautiful, even the morning it rained til noon was in it's own way perfect and lovely. I love a good, loud rolling thunder storm, and there were several while we were there, mostly at night or in the early mornings while most everyone was still asleep.
Am I the only person who treasures quiet, early mornings where I am the only one awake? That peaceful time between me and a cup of coffee? When I can tip-toe around, loading the dishwasher, or start a load of laundry, and then just sit and stare out over the balcony to the quiet beach below? Even at home these solo-mornings are a thing of beauty.
While in Florida, my landlord contacted me to let me know that she had gone out to the property to just "check on things" since we had notified her we would be out of town. (We had a friend and his girl-friend watching the place, and feeding our kitties while we were gone, but I didn't mention that to her when I told her we were going on vacation- I guess she felt we needed her to keep an eye on things) Anyhoo- So she went by the property, and noticed that we have a few cats. Yes, we have a few cats. I explained to her that when her father- who manages the property for her- rented the place to us, we told him we had a few cats. At that time, he told us that if the cats were litter trained and wouldn't cause damage, then he had no problem with us having cats. Well, he aparently did not talk to his daughter about it, because she was quick to tell me that animals on the property was a "deal-breaker". We had two choices, get rid of the cats, or move out. Well, our cats are part of our family. My son adores them, and has had them since they were born. We were NOT going to get rid of the cats. Soooo... we moved.
Now, when we moved onto this property, I made it clear to everyone who knows me that I had NO intention of moving again. So, moving again only 3 months after moving in was a real blow to my pride. Even harder was that out of necessity (no where to go on such short notice) my son and I have had to move in with my parents. So two weeks ago we ordered a POD storage unit, packed up our lives, keeping out only the things we would need over the next few months, and moved in with Mama and Daddy. It has been stressful for us all, but with every day that goes by, we find a new "bright side" to our situation.

Bright Side #1- My son, who is 18, has been having a little trouble deciding what he wanted to do with his life. College was not a good fit for him.. at least not right now. After completing school through a military program, sitting in a classroom listening to lectures was just not his style. He had planned on joining the military, but was doubting his willingness to serve under the current administration. He tought about welding, but never really felt strongly enough about it to take the leap. NOW- since we are living with my parents, and he was able to spend some late nights out on the balcony with my cousin, talking 'bout life, he has decided to go ahead with his original dreams, and join the military. I think he is making the right choice. It's where he is supposed to be. He excelled at ROTC, and when he went to the National Guard Youth Challenge Program to complete high school, he just blossomed. This is who he is, and I am excited for him.

Bright Side #2- My parents are not getting any younger. My Mama does not drive. She never has. Makes her nervous, and she just doesn't do it. My Daddy's health is up and down, and my Mama needs help with him, and with getting around, ect. I knew there would come a day when I needed to be there all the time. Well, no time like the present! We had talked out adding on two bedrooms and a bathroom on to the back of the house, but the more we have thought about it, the more we have considered having a small cabin style building built behind my parent's house. That way, I have my own space, a nice sitting room and a bedroom seperate from my mom and dad, but close enough that I am right there for them.  I am so excited about that!

There are others, maybe I will share those later.

My love of cooking has also been re-awakened. I must admit, I am a TOTAL Pinterestaholic, and this past weekend I cooked three recipes off of my Yummy! Pinterest board. I just have to be careful not to gain back what I have fought so hard to lose. I will say though, packing a house and loading it into a storage POD in 100 degree heat with definately sweat the pounds off, LOL.

What other changes are coming? I'm not sure, but I'm going to try and accept them with a smile and open arms...

I think...

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