Friday, June 8, 2012

World's Worst Blogger...

So I've come to the conclusion that I am the world's worst blogger!! I mean really, too long between posts. I have got to get it together!!

On a good note, things are going well with the weight loss.. I am down 34 pounds, and loving that my clothes are fitting better. Now I'm ready for the clothes to start fitting poorly again, due to an even healthier body and sexy attitude!! I am back to taking the adipex daily, and my doctor added Topamax yesterday, for the double wammy of controling my migraine headaches and the desired side effect of making carbonated drinks taste like crap, which will help me break that addiction.

I'm headed to Florida at the end of the month with my cousins. My son and I will be helping out with the little ones, and enjoying the summer sun for a full 10 days!! I can hardly wait! I will be sure to take lots of pictures and post them here for your enjoyment. (and mine!)

I've also found that making an effort to wear makeup and fix my hair has made a HUGE difference in the way I feel.  The reaction from co-workers as been funny, "oh, look, you have make-up on today!" They are so used to seeing plain-face Christine, that a little eye-liner and mascara are all it takes. Oh well, guess it's the little things!


  1. Christine!

    It happens to the best of us. Sometimes life just gets in the way.

    There are no rules here. It's your blog and you can update it as often as you like.

    I usually stick with a one-week rule. That is, I always update my blog within a seven day period no matter what.

    It just helps keep me on track.

    Why don't you give that a try? Maybe aim for a post every two weeks. You can do that!

    Congrats on the weight loss too!


    1. Thanks Dean!!! I'm feeling great (apart from a little summer cold) and I am loving that feeling of putting on something that hasn't fit me in awhile and finding I can wear it again!
