Sunday, October 28, 2012

Loving the fall..

So we are having a cold front here in North Louisiana, and I am LOVING IT! It's been amazingly crisp and chilly in the mornings, which always makes it easier for me to wake up and get the day going. These days, anything that can help me get going is a good thing.

Dad's health is still a roler coaster ride- I made it a point to be at the hospital the other night when his primary care doctor came in to see him so I could get a good update on how things were going.  I felt like something was wrong when Dr. D came in with dad's nurse, AND the hospital charge nurse. Now, Dr. D has known me for years, both as a nurse, a patient, and the family member of several of his patients. He doesn't sugar coat things with me, he's honest and upfront, and tells me like it is. But, in the most gentle and caring way. He's amazing. So when he motioned for me to come out into the hallway with him, I was a little nervous. So he lays it on me. Dad is not doing as well as it apprears. His liver is excreating toxins that are damaging his kidneys, and at this point the only thing that will "fix" it is a liver transplant. But, right now his body won't survive a transplant, so we walk the tightrope between dialysis and paracentisis (draining the fluid off of his abdomen that builds up becasue of his liver disease.) And we pray that he doesn't get any infections, which at this point could kill him very quickly. so we walk the tightrope between being anxious about the possabilities, and optamistic and upbeat about recovery. It's exausting, really.

And in four days, my novel writing experience begins. I am excited and nervous and ready to start, but worried that I won't have anything to write about. Tomorrow I will start writing "morning pages", two or three pages of "stream of consciousness writing" done every morning as soon as I wake up. I'm a little interested to see what flows out of this brain of mine. Could be scarey. Probably WILL be scary. We shall see.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Morning Glory

Good Morning Glory!! It's crisp and chilly outside, and I'm the only human stirring in the house this morning, with a fried egg sandwich breakfast and a wonderful cup of coffee with my beloved Italian Cream creamer it's a good day already!
So, where the hell have I been? Well things here in Louisiana have been CRAZY!!!! My Dad's recovery has taken a whole new direction. He fell in January, broke his tibia, had to have surgery to repair the bone, and spent the first 6 months of recovery unable to put any weight on his left leg. He progressed to using a walker, and then a whole new set of problems popped up. Two trips to the ER for what was diagnosed as cellulitis (soft tissue infection)- well, it was more complicated than that under the surface. Fast forward two months, and he's int he hospital with a bone infection, and after much testing and two surgeries, it was decided that the best chance for a full recovery and a return to "normalcy" was to amputate his left leg below the knee. In the process of all this leg stuff, his kidneys have failed, and he's now on dialysis. SO, it's a whole new world for us on that front. Whoo- lots going on, and that's just the tip of the iceberg!
I'm also living with my parents AGAIN! This is the fourth time I have returned to the nest.. I'm officially a boomerang child. Well, this time is not so much a boomerang situation, more of a "sandwich generation" thing. Meaning I am helping care for my father, and still caring for my son. (Who will be 19 tomorrow!!!! Can you believe that shit!?! 'cause I sure as hell can't, LOL) It's been stressful for all of us, but good at the same time, especially with the new health developments with my Daddy, we have really been here to support each other, which is amazing. I don't know what I would do without my family.
I have started kicking things into high gear with my crochet too! I am learning more everyday, new stitches and techniques, and loving every minute of it. I am making two blankets for one of the nurses that works at the hospital where my Dad was admitted for his surgery. She has a 1 year old and a 3 year old, so I am making blankets for the two of them. I have so many ideas for future projects, I wish my crochet time didn't have to interrupted by things like work and eating!
Next month is November, and I am so super excited about participating in the annual NaNoWriMo project. A whole month dedicated to attempting to write a novel. SO good, bad, or mediocre,  I will be writing my first novel next month. And I will bring you all with me, to experience every step of the process!
SO, that's a not-so-short synopsis of where the hell I have been. And a little peek at where I am going. JOIN ME!