Tuesday, November 29, 2011

And so the search begins...

I remember in high school, feeling like I was so fat.. so many of the girls in my classes were waifs, thin and shapeless, no hips, no boobs, no curves. I had all three, and looking back at high school pictures, I hid them under bulky sweaters, sweatshirts, and over sized shirts. Now, I would KILL to have her body.. that curvy, 150 pound young lady. I also remember the day, just over 18 years ago, when I stepped up on a scale at a local department store, and the scale had tipped the 200# mark. I was devastated! I was pregnant with my son at the time, but still, I was 50 pounds heavier than I had been just a year before. In the last 18 years, I have gained, little by little, until now I top out at 306 pounds. Talk about devastated.
And so my search has started.. I invite you to join me as I search for her again.. that 150# beauty. I search for the pride and happiness and health. I search for the Rubenesque figure I used to have. I search for the real me.

1 comment:

  1. I think many of us look at pictures from high school and wonder where those girls went. I'm on a very similar journey myself. I wish you the very best of luck on yours. Here's to healthier, happier moms!
